May NOISE Report
The City of Omaha and Omaha Housing Authority were awarded a $25 million dollar grant from HUD to be used along the North 30th Street corridor. The city plans to leverage that award for more funding to expand the “purpose built communities” model used by Highlander neighborhood and completely redevelop Spencer Homes apartments.
Steven Abraham, the resident commissioner for Omaha Housing Authority, described the impact this funding will have on current residents and addressed fears of gentrification.
This is not gentrification. I don’t know how I can say it in more plainer words. This is not gentrification. This neighborhood choice award that we’ve received has specific guidelines detailed by the federal government, HUD guidelines, that say that once we remodel or demolish a unit, we replace that unit and we put individuals back in that unit that fit under that category. And the people that are there, the people have been displaced, have first choice on what is taking place with this development so the people that are currently there, the people that are currently there, they have first choice in this new development.
Following the grant announcement, the city hosted two meetings at the Venue at Highlander to discuss the consolidated plan regarding redevelopment in North Omaha. City planner Pat Evans, said the city is seeking input from the community for a more responsive process.
“I think together we can be inclusive and make better decisions and think that is where we are trying to move, to make better decisions that are inclusive and that really do hear you and are responsive to you.”
The consolidated plan will reopen for online public comment starting May 31st and public meetings will be held in mid-June to gather more community feedback.
NOrth 24th Street
Here’s the latest neighborhood developments along North 24th Street. Long School Neighborhood Association conducted a street cleanup on Saturday.
Poet performing at Culxr House
Property owners along 24th Street from Cuming to Ames Streets, are formalizing a business improvement district. Organizers say the effort will open the area to funding from the state of Nebraska for certain types of infrastructure projects.
Angie Norman says what brought her to the area was urban gardening at Culxr House.
Culxr House is located at 3016 N 24th Street, and was founded for local creatives to give them a platform to support their brand.