Episode 3: The Thing We Be Wasting | NOISE Report Podcast
NOISE Report Podcast
Your spot for North Omaha News
The third episode of the podcast we discuss “waste” and people, places, and things, including our vote, that get thrown away.
Stories in this week’s podcast
[:50] Scott Frakes speaks at Highlander in North Omaha
Frakes, Director of Nebraska Department of Correctional Services, took questions from the audience regarding visitation, inmate engagement, solitary confinement, and the issues of overcrowding and under-staffing.
Jasmine from RISE spoke at the convening, addressing her work engaging incarcerated individuals and aiding them in re-entry education.
How do we reduce rates of incarceration among young people and Black and Brown communities? (Respond in the comment section below.)
Teela Mickles - Compassion in Action
Jasmine Harris - RISE
The Omaha Star - Incarcerated people seek pen pals
[11:00] Preston Love Jr. had a Meeting with Governor Pete Ricketts to Discuss Imprisonment and Community Relations
The meeting took place on January 7 with Love, Jasmine Harris, and Jessa Royer. These discussions led to Scott Frakes’ speaking.
Nebraska is 160% capacity and has to be cut down to 140% by July 2020.
There have been lawsuits, community responses, and demands to improve conditions for prisons.
Recent news suggests that the state of Nebraska to invest in a new prison.
Scott Frakes and the Chair of the Parole Board will be attending Empowerment Network meeting on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at North High School at 9 a.m.
[15:00] Family Dollar applied for Class B license and was denied
Omaha City Council denied recommendation to the state liquor commission for Family Dollar who has requested a Class B license that would approve the sale of beer and wine at two Omaha locations: 24th & Hamilton and 35th & Leavenworth.
The large opposition argued that there is already high access to alcohol in both neighborhoods and, specifically regarding 24th Street, is close to many institutions caring for children and minors.
Though city council moved to deny, it is solely a recommendation and could still be approved by the state liquor commission.
Bottles, trash, and litter are already a major issue along North 24th Street and North Omaha. Check out our waste gallery.
[25:11] Omaha Recycling Contract at $4 Million down to $2 Million and Waste Management Alternatives
China is not taking our recycling anymore so the United States actually has to figure out what to do.
Hillside Solutions is working to eliminate waste in schools and across the community by employing composting and glass recycling.
[29:34] Iowa Caucus Results Delayed, Sanders and Buttigieg Take the Most Delegates
Paper tallies verified the results
Nebraska Primaries are May 12
Democrats can now in a primary instead of a caucus
Independents can request partisan ballots
[36:46] Why Should We Vote?
Stayed tuned for NOISE’s voter guide, check out our last one from 2018
Currently, in the United States we have the largest, youngest, most diverse electorate in history.
There are City Board vacancies, including the Rental Maintenance Review Board
[41:27] Project 1619 from New York Times Magazine and the Founding of America
Listen to the podcast, read the magazine, and check out the curriculum.
What happens when we re-center history around the proliferation of slavery? (Reply in the comments.)
Watch our live stream of the panel discussing 1619 Project and education in Nebraska. >
Thank you for listening
This NOISE Report Podcast features:
Dawaune Lamont Hayes
Marcey Yates
Luis E. Jimenez
(Produced by Marcey Yates at Culxr House.)
Follow our housing stories as a part of a series in collaboration with The Omaha Star covering affordable housing, gentrification, and the changing landscape of North Omaha.
Scott Frakes at Highlander on January 31.