Domestic Violence Resource Page


Women's Center for Advancement (WCA) - 402-345-7273

Catholic Charities - 402-558-5700

Heartland Family Services - 800-523-3666

Women's Fund Omaha - 402-345-7273

National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-799-7233

National Domestic Violence Hotline | Click "Chat Now" to communicate by text

If you are not in danger, How you can help others

You can donate used cell phones to those leaving abusive relationships. People getting out of abusive relationships often leave with little more than the clothes on their back and getting a new cell phone and number  can be essential for safety. 

Women’s Shelter and Housing

Siena Francis House

1702 Nicholas St Omaha, NE 68102 | (402) 341-1821

Women who are 19 or older are eligible. Those with children are welcome. People under the influence are allowed

No fees if you are a guest in the facility. Permanent housing based on income.

Donations can be dropped off at the center

The Shelter: Catholic Charities

3300 N 60th St., Omaha, Ne 68104 | (402) 554 - 0520

(Not shelter location)

Those 19 and older and currently fleeing from domestic violence are eligible. Screening process through the 24-hour (402) 558-5700 hotline is required.

Cost free

If you’d like to help: Amazon wishlist - on website

Heartland Family Services (HFS)

302 American Pkwy, Papillion, NE 68046 | (402) 339-2544

Call for information

Support groups and counseling available for free or on a sliding scale. Insurance accepted.

Will pick up survivors of domestic violence, if needed, and provide concealed shelters. In addition to counseling services, advocates are available 24-hours to aid in emotional support, information on rights, and communication with police and healthcare professionals.

Shelter is free of cost. 

Men's Housing and Shelter

Siena Francis House Men's Shelter

1111 N. 17th St, Omaha, Ne 68102 | (402) 341-1821

Men 19 years and older are eligible

Free of cost as long as you’re a guest. Permanent housing available based on income.

For Protection Orders

Douglas County Clerk of the District Court

Domestic Violence/Protection Orders: 3rd Floor

1701 Farnam St., Omaha, NE 68183 | M-F 8AM-4PM

Domestic Violence Prosecutor: 402-444-3545

Phone | Domestic Violence Prosecutor: 402-444-3545

Phone | Protection Order Office: 402-444-435

Must have a daytime address for the individual you are filing against. Valid government ID, with photo and signature for yourself is required.

help navigating legal procedures


Douglas County Victim Assistance

1905 Harney St. Suite #500, Omaha, NE 68102 | 402-444-4597


Aids survivors in understanding legal processes. Also, offers emotional support during the prosecution of perpetrator

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