COVID-19 Resource Page
Originally published Aug. 6, 2021
CDC's COVID-19 fact sheet in 15 languages: Arabic, Bengali, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish, Vietnamese
Schedule Your Shot now:
Charles Drew Health Center - 402-451-3553
Kohll’s Rx (weekdays 9-5:30 pm)
Hy-vee Pharmacies (open all week)
CVS Pharmacies (open all week)
*Most locations take walk-ins, but appointments are highly recommended
Facts from trusted local UNMC experts updated daily
Check the Newest episode of the Melee Podcast
NOISE's Ashley Salem and Emily Chen-Newton sit down with two public health heavy-hitters to bring you an accurate update on everything from the vaccine boosters to self-care. Dr. Jasmine Marcelin shares the heaviness she's experienced as a Black female physician seeing the disproportionate impact on Black and Brown communities over the past year and a half. And Dr. Ali Khan, Dean of UNMC’s College of Public Health touches on the topic of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). He explains public health information is typically exempt from HIPAA, and so it should not be used as a reason to restrict the information publically available about rising case numbers in Nebraska; though it has been used in just this way by NE government officials including Governor Ricketts and the Department of Health and Human Services.
No More Empty Pots - Community Harvest, a paid subscription for meals and produce that accepts Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as payment. Community members with SNAP can purchase produce half off. Those who need additional assistance can apply for this program at no cost:
Food Bank of the Heartland Complete Pantry List (As of Tuesday, March 31, children must be present to receive meals. FBH has to make this change to adhere to federal regulations for child feeding sites.)
Metropolitan Community College: Food pantry available for students at North and South campuses. MCC e-Pantry request form,, or call 531-622-2875.
Together Omaha: 812 S 24th St, Monday-Thursday 12-3pm, Friday 12-2 pm
Project Hope Food Pantry: 6201 North 60th Street, Call for hours: (402) 452-7649
St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry: 2101 Leavenworth Street, Call for hours: (402) 341-1689
Youth Emergency Services Outreach Center: 2679 Farnam Street, 402-345-5187
Omaha Senior Pantry: Provides weekly food support via drive-up pantry services to older adults (60+)
HOURS: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9AM – 12PM at 2406 Fowler Avenue.
Bellevue NE Food Pantry: Provides emergency food support to households in Bellevue (1908 Hancock Street, Bellevue, NE 68005)
Tuesday: 9AM - 4PM
Wednesday: 9AM - 7PM
Thursday 9AM - 4PM
1st & 3rd Saturdays of the Month: 9AM - NOON
Heart Ministry Center
Choice Food PantryTues-Fri: 10am–1pm
Saturday: 9am–12pm
Must fall under TEFAP monthly gross income guidelines and can only pick up food here once a month
2222 Binney St, Omaha, NE 68110
Third Saturday of the month 11am-1pm
6340 N 30th St, Omaha, NE 68111
Salvation Army Burrows Center for Help and Hope
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am-11am and 1pm-3:30pm
6101 NW Radial Hwy, Omaha, NE 68104
Eastern Nebraska Community Action Partnership
Commodity Food Distribution: Provides monthly delivery of USDA commodities to homebound, income-eligible seniors (monthly incomes of $1,383 or less).
Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless (MACCH) has funding to aid people housing problem solving for those experiencing a housing crisis or housing instability. Call (402) 957-1747
DHHS is again distributing free fans and offering other cooling assistance programs through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). To be eligible for a fan, households must have an active LIHEAP case.
Douglas - Ponca Tribe of Nebraska, 5805 South 86th Circle
Omaha, 402-438-9222 spospisil@poncatribe-ne.orgTo see if you qualify for LIHEAP, or any of the DHHS cooling assistance programs, go to or call Access Nebraska in Lincoln at (402) 323-3900, in Omaha at (402) 595-1258 or statewide at 1-800-383-4278.
Family Housing Advisory Service - Tenant Services, Housing Stability, and Financial Support
Omaha Housing Authority - is still accepting applications and reviewing online.
Vulnerable Populations
Coordinate with family, friends, and neighbors, particularly elders and those from vulnerable populations to make a plan for child care, elder care, physical assistance, and access to essential supplies.
Infants and Children, Pregnant Women, Elderly, Sick and Immunocompromised
Heartland Workforce Solutions (5257 Ames Ave.) will remain open until further notice and will employ stringent sanitation practices. Here is a comprehensive list of Employers who are still hiring.
Mental/Spiritual Health
Search for clear understanding of your centers and resources to receive mental health services.