Roe v. Wade Overturned. Abortion Still Legal in Nebraska For Now.
Image credit: Myles A. Davis/ NOISE
By Kietryn Zychal
On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, ending the nearly 50-year constitutional right to abortion. It is expected that half the states will move quickly to ban abortion. According to a statement released by the Nebraska ACLU, this will “deny an estimated 36 million Americans the fundamental right to decide for themselves whether and when to become a parent.”
On a midday video conference call, Andi Curry Grubb, state executive director of Planned Parenthood North Central States, Nebraska, stressed that abortion is still legal in Nebraska. Anti-abortion politicians intend to call a special session this summer to attempt to pass a total abortion ban in the state. Advocates in the legislature helped defeat a total ban earlier this year.
According to the ACLU of Nebraska, a poll taken in March on abortion rights in Nebraska found most respondents opposed a total ban and a majority of Nebraskans wanted Roe v. Wade to remain the law of the land.
Over a thousand people attended a rally and march at Memorial Park in Omaha at 5 p.m. today. NOISE live-streamed the event on its facebook page.
A protestor on the bridge over Dodge St. holds a coat hanger; Ashlei Spivey of I Be Black Girl addresses the crowd; Andi Curry Grubb of Planned Parenthood and Jo Giles of The Women’s Fund of Omaha. Photo credit: Kietryn Zychal/ NOISE
Statements published today reflected the vastly differing views of Nebraskans on both sides of the abortion issue.
Pro- Reproductive Rights
“We understand the impacts of this decision and will continue to work alongside community and our partners to ensure abortion care is safe, legal and accessible in Nebraska. This point in time seems uncertain, scary and traumatic — and we make space for how those who are most impacted are navigating this decision. We remain firm that we deserve to decide and our health care choices, which include abortion, do not belong with government or politicians.” – Ashlei Spivey, I Be Black Girl founder and director
“Nebraskans need to know abortion remains safe and legal in our state, and Planned Parenthood’s doors are open. Elections have consequences, and we are now living through an unprecedented moment in which our fundamental rights are being eviscerated. Every person deserves the right to control their own body. We know this, and so do the majority of Americans and Nebraskans who support abortion rights. We as Nebraskans are stronger together, and we will get through this challenge together. Now is the time to march, mobilize, organize, text, call, write, shout — do everything possible to keep abortion safe and legal in Nebraska.” – Andi Curry Grubb, Planned Parenthood North Central States state executive director, Nebraska
"Everyone deserves the right to decide if, when and how to start a family—including all Nebraskans. Each of us should be free to live our lives with dignity and to make the decisions that are best for our lives, families and communities. Collectively, we will continue to reject further medically unnecessary restrictions to abortion that only stand in the way of pregnant people and the care they need.” – Jo Giles, Women’s Fund of Omaha executive director
“We are heartbroken and so incredibly angry. Angry for what this means for patients, for how this will disproportionately affect BIPOC communities, rural communities and people with low incomes; for what this means for our loved ones, for our lives and futures. In Nebraska, we will keep helping people access abortion no matter what. We will keep fighting alongside our partners to make sure patients can receive equitable abortion care in our state. We will continue to cover procedures, pay for travel, arrange trips, and help people navigate and remove the tremendous barriers that already exist and will only get worse. We are never going away, no matter what happens and no matter what’s next in Nebraska. We will continue to ‘aid and abet abortion’ proudly and without hesitation.” — Chelsea Souder, founder and director of Nebraska Abortion Resources (NEAR)
“Reproductive justice is on the minds of many women here in Nebraska today. The trigger bill that will ultimately follow will cause Nebraskans to live in a police state. We will become a police state where doctors will live in fear when they need to provide necessary patient care. It will endanger the jobs of medical specialists who may be trying to protect a woman’s health, disallow women from making decisions on IVF with their doctors never allowing them to experience parenthood, mandate what types of birth control a woman may use instead of allowing the woman and her doctor to make that decision. … It’s terrifying that we are choosing to not protect the victims of sexual assault, especially our children.” — State Sen. Carol Blood, Democratic candidate for governor
Anti-Abortion rights
“Nebraska is a pro-life state because our citizens understand that life is the most precious gift of God’s grace. Today, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed what we have long known to be true: Our Constitution contains no right to murder an unborn child. I will do all I can to ensure that no more unborn babies are killed.” —Jim Pillen, Republican candidate for governor
“Roe v. Wade took away the states’ right to regulate abortion and cost millions of babies their lives. Today’s Supreme Court decision restores the rights of the people, and as a result our future generations will have a chance at life. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe is an answer to millions of prayers on behalf of the unborn and a victory for human life. I will be working with our legislative leaders to determine what more we can do to protect our preborn babies.” —Gov. Pete Ricketts
“After nearly 50 years, the Supreme Court has rightfully overturned Roe and Casey and returned the question of abortion to the elected representatives of the states. I anticipate that Nebraskans’ elected representatives in the Legislature will be in special session this summer to pass legislation to protect pre-born babies. I will work with Governor Ricketts on the timing of a special session. And, after reviewing the Supreme Court’s opinion in detail, I will work closely with the governor and my legislative colleagues on the scope of such protections.” —Nebraska Legislative Speaker Mike Hilgers
“The Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade will not be the end of the decades-long fight that is important to so many people. States, including Nebraska, will now consider state laws to ban, restrict or expand access to abortions. I have always believed these decisions should be addressed at the state level with appropriate and clear laws that stipulate any restrictions or exceptions. While this is a tremendously personal and emotional issue, I believe our Legislature can address it successfully. I am proud of my pro-life position and will advocate to further reduce the prevalence of abortion in our state.” —Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert
“Life is the most precious right and today’s decision in the Dobbs case affirms that. It does not outlaw abortion, but puts it in the hands of the elected representatives of the states and Congress. I now have worked for decades to defend life, and today their prayers were answered. I urge all to respond with mutual respect, civility and grace.” —U.S. Rep. Don Bacon, 2nd Congressional District